Laboratory for Systems and Synthetic Immunology
The Laboratory for Systems and Synthetic Immunology is led by Prof. Sai Reddy. It is part of the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) of ETH Zurich, located in the city of Basel.
Our group’s overall research interests are in the emerging fields of systems and synthetic immunology, which are at the intersection of genomics, molecular biotechnology, and immunology.
Systems immunology aims to gain a more comprehensive and quantitative understanding of immune responses using both experimental and computational methods such as high-throughput DNA sequencing and bioinformatics. Synthetic immunology applies molecular and cellular engineering methods to reprogram immune cells for the purpose of controlling and engineering immunity. Methods consist of directed evolution-protein engineering, targeted genome editing, and viral-based gene transfer.
The Laboratory for Systems and Synthetic immunology’s core mission is to use immunogenomics and immune cell reprogramming for applications in biotechnology, vaccination, and immunotherapy.